Feel Better Flow

Sometimes our intestines can do a number on us. Or rather they get upset when we eat/drink whatever we want ;) Even if you’re feeling great, adding some spinal twists into your day isn’t a bad idea. To put it simply, twisty/stretchy yoga poses can help massage your internal organs. If something is cramped up, this just might bring you some relief!

I’ve put together a few yoga poses to help you find full mobility again. A flow that enlivens and uplifts your day by wringing out the bubbles and the tightness.


Start Slow – Spinal Twist

Lay on your back and hug your knees into your chest. Then drop your knees over to one side. (Repeat on both sides)

When you feel that tight spot, don’t push it. Try to get your body to relax and just breath to get any initial crampy areas to release. Maybe its your foot that is tense, maybe its your six-pack abs. ;) Just let your body get heavier and breathe.


puppy dog pose yoga

Stretch it Out – Puppy Dog Pose

From table top (on your hands and knees) walk your hands forward and slowly lower your chest towards the ground. You can choose to land your chin or your forehead on the mat. Take the biggest slowest breaths you possibly can and just pause in this pose for at least a minute.


You can feel free to do whatever you’d like in between these poses! A little cat/cow…down dog…a vinyasa, you name it!


yoga lunge twist

Building the Fire – Lunge Twist

Step left foot back and drop your knee down to the ground (or blanket). Keep the steady breath going as you clasp your hands together behind your head. Lift your chest and the crown of your head upwards, then twist towards the right. Keep breathing in and lifting up. As you exhale, twist a little deeper. (Notice that my knee does not go past the ankle.)

low lunge stretch yoga

Loosening Up - Lunge Stretch

Staying in low lunge (option to lift the back knee up). With your right foot forward, bring your right hand down to the ground, a block or even a book works! We're just working at a gentle stretch in the left side to loosen things up a little more before some final twists. Repeat on both sides and try to prevent the hips from sinking down too much. 

table top twist yoga

Initiate Cooldown – Table Top Twist

Start from hands and knees. Press the left hand down and reach the right arm up. Pause for two breaths. Repeat on both sides as many times as you'd like <3







Total Relaxation – Childs Pose

Have your hands out front and add a side stretch in by walking your hands over to the left and pausing for a bit. Then walk your hands to the right! Feel free to skip this pose if your body does not love it. Your knees and hips should not be uncomfortable. :)

Hopefully your body is feeling a little better at this point and you've got a little more pep to your step! Stay tuned for an upcoming video on a twist yoga flow.

Cheers friends and enjoy your weekend!

-Chantal Barton - Beer Yogi + Instructor